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Nicla Board - All Sensors Outputs

Writer: Ifrim CiprianIfrim Ciprian

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Throughout the last 2 days I have worked on getting all the relevant outputs of the Nicla Board in the Serial Monitor, from the sensors on board, by using the relevant information from the Resource Page:

As have been specified in the other posts, the Nicla has 4 main sensors on board, which are: BHI260AP (IMU), BME688,(4-in-1 Gas sensor) BMP390(Barometric Pressure), BMM150(Magnetometer). Webpage here:

The outputs from the BHY2 Nicla Library are:

  • Temperature - BMP390

  • Humidity - BMP390

  • Pressure - BMP390

  • Temperature (with chip heating compensation algorithm) - BME688

  • Humidity (with chip heating compensation algorithm) - BME688

  • Gas Resistance - BME688

  • Air Quality Index - BME688

  • Volatile Organic Compounds - BME688

  • CO2 Equivalent - BME688

  • Magnetometer X/Y/Z - BMM150

  • Gravity Vector X/Y/Z (algorithmically calculated) - BMM150

  • IMU Tilt Detected (Bosch factory ML trained on tilt event identification) - BHI260AP

  • IMU Step Detector (Bosch factory ML trained on tilt event identification) - BHI260AP

  • IMU Step Counter (Bosch factory ML trained on tilt event identification) - BHI260AP

Manually calculated outputs with the Nicla Sensor Data:

  • Altitude (from temperature and pressure data)

  • Air density (from temperature, humidity, pressure)

  • Discomfort Index (from temperature and humidity)

  • Air Quality Description (from IAQ table, check Appendix)

  • Measurements needed to improve air and reduce CO2 presence (from CO2_eq ppm)

  • Compass (Heading from Magnetometer+Gyro+Accelerometer Fusion)

  • Rainfall Probability (Linear Regresor ML Trained with temperature, humidity, pressure)

Sensor fusion:

  • Temperature - BMP390 & BME688 (with added MLX90614 ambient temps)

  • Humidity - BMP390 & BME688

The air density, discomfort index, compass and rainfall probability are still to be implemented in the following days. The current code outputting everything looks like the following:

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Arduino_BHY2.h"

Sensor humidity(SENSOR_ID_HUM);
Sensor temperature(SENSOR_ID_TEMP);
Sensor pressure(SENSOR_ID_BARO);
Sensor gas(SENSOR_ID_GAS);
SensorXYZ magnetometer(SENSOR_ID_MAG);
SensorXYZ gravity_vector(SENSOR_ID_GRA);
SensorOrientation orientation(SENSOR_ID_ORI);
SensorOrientation device_orientation(SENSOR_ID_DEVICE_ORI);

String compound = "";
String air_quality = "";
float sea_level_pressure = 1013.25;

void setup(){
void loop(){
  static auto lastCheck= millis();

  // Check sensor values every second  
  if (millis() - lastCheck >= 1000) {
    lastCheck = millis();

    //the word "Temperature" is already taken by the Nicla board, so I use "temp_value"
    float temp_value = temperature.value();
    int hum_value = humidity.value();
    int gas_resistance = gas.value();
    float pressure_value = pressure.value();
    int iaq = ((bsec.toString()).substring(25,28)).toInt();
    float voc_eq = ((bsec.toString()).substring(53,57)).toFloat();
    int co2_eq = ((bsec.toString()).substring(68,72)).toInt();
    int accuracy = ((bsec.toString()).substring(84,85)).toInt();
    float comp_temp = ((bsec.toString()).substring(95,101)).toFloat();
    int comp_hum = ((bsec.toString()).substring(112,117)).toInt();
    int comp_gas_res = ((bsec.toString()).substring(128,130)).toInt();

    float temp_fusion = (temp_value+comp_temp)/2;
    float humidity_fusion = (hum_value+comp_hum)/2;
    int altitude = ((pow((sea_level_pressure/pressure_value), (1/5.257)) -1) * (temp_fusion + 273.15))/0.0065;           //altitude hypsometric formula
    if (voc_eq < 5.0) compound = "Clean Air! No Volatile Compounds Detected!";
    else if (5.0 < voc_eq < 10.0) compound = "Ethane Alkane Detected!";
    else if (10.0 < voc_eq < 15.0) compound = "Isoprene/Methyl/Butadiene/Ethanol Detected!";
    else if (15.0 < voc_eq < 40.0) compound = "Carbon Monoxide Detected!";
    else if (voc_eq > 50.0) compound = "Acetone Detected!";

    if (iaq < 50) air_quality = "Pure air. No mmeasures needed!";
    else if (50 < iaq < 100) air_quality = "Good Air! No irritation or impact on well-being. No health measures needed! ";
    else if (100 < iaq < 150) air_quality = "Lightly polluted air! Reduction of well-being possible! Fresh air or ventilation suggested!";
    else if (150 < iaq < 200) air_quality = "Moderately polluted. Reduction of well-being possible! Increase ventilation with clean air!";
    else if (200 < iaq < 250) air_quality = "Heavily polluted. Continous exposition might lead to migraines! Immediately increase ventilation or leave the environment!";
    else if (250 < iaq < 350) air_quality = "Severely polluted. Severe health issues possible! Contamination should be identified! Maximise ventilation or leave environment";
    else if (iaq > 350) air_quality = "Extremely polluted. Neurotoxic effects possible! Contamination must be identified! Avoid the environment!";

    Serial.println(String("Temperature is: ") + String(temp_value) + String(" C"));
    Serial.println(String("Compensated Temperature is: ") + String(comp_temp) + String(" C"));
    Serial.println(String("Humidity is: ") + String(hum_value) + String(" %"));
    Serial.println(String("Compensated Humidity is: ") + String(comp_hum) + String(" %"));
    Serial.println(String("Pressure: ") + String(pressure_value) + String(" hPa"));
    Serial.println(String("Altitude: ") + String(altitude) + String(" m"));
    Serial.println(String("Gas resistance: ") + String(gas_resistance));
    Serial.println(String("Compensated Gas Resistance is: ") + String(comp_gas_res) + String(" Ohms"));

    Serial.println(String("Temperature Fusion is: ") + String(temp_fusion) + String(" C"));
    Serial.println(String("Humidity Fusion is: ") + String(humidity_fusion) + String(" %"));

    Serial.println(String("Air Quality Index is: ") + String(iaq));
    Serial.println(String("Volatile Organic Compounds: ") + String(voc_eq) + String(" ppm"));
    Serial.println(String("Estimation of CO2 levels: ") + String(co2_eq) + String(" ppm"));
    Serial.println(String("IAQ Accuracy Level: ") + String(accuracy));
    Serial.println(String("Magnetometer info: ") + magnetometer.toString());
    Serial.println(String("Gravity Vector info: ") + gravity_vector.toString());
    Serial.println(String("Tilt info: ") + tilt.toString() + String(" - Binary value:") + tilt.value());


Here is how the output looks in the Serial Monitor:

Here is a serial monitor focused image:

The next progress will be on implementing Air Density, Discomfort Index, Compass and a Linear Regression Supervisor ML mode for precipitation prediction.




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