The following Gantt Chart represents all the expected tasks at the time being, as well as the percentage of completion and the timeline expected.
The Gantt Chart will be updated weekly until the end of the project.
Gantt Chart Updates:
Originally created: 20/01/2022

Edited 1 - 30/01/2022 = Added blogs + components updates :

Edited 2 - 15/02/2022 = I2C testing + Nicla Sensors Data Readout + Filtering Research :

Edited 3 - 03/03/2022 = I2C Fixed + Full Nicla Sense Readout System + Machine Learning Research and datset creation + Breakout PCB + Calculations/Research + Testing Procedures:

Edited 4 - 22/03/2022 = Researched more components (the Arduino Nano 33 Ble Sense for example), researched neural networks for voice recognition (as I have moved from the Voice Recognition Module v3 to the Nano 33 Ble Sense), performed sensor calibration against industrial/commercial grade sensor, created+completed the Machine Learning for Weather classification and forecasting, held the peer presentation.

Edited 5 - 06/04/2022 = Modified dates and tasks to more accurately represent the current state of the project.
Finished the voice recognition with the Arduino Nano 33 Ble Sense, moving to Seeed Xiao Sense. Created sketches of dimensions for the device and brainstormed how to miniaturize everything. Added step counter/pedometer functionality. Researched time/date functionality. Calibrated compass. Order all components needed. Brainstormed charging stand.

Edited 6 - 21/04/2022 = Modified dates and tasks to more accurately represent the current state of the project.
Finished the system voice recognition with Xiao Sense, enchanced it twice by adding extra commands, plus completed about 30 extra versions to increase it's performance as well as performance with Noise, Missing Words and Faster/Slower voice commands.
Added battery output with 2 different systems (sensor fusion). Fixed all sensor outputs. Implemented the DFPlayer Mini for Voice Output, generated the voice lines and rules. New breakout board. Ported the ML models to Arduino and tested everything, ML fusion. I2C protocol implemented between Xiao and Nicla.

Edited 7 - 04/05/2022 = Implemented the full code. Tested the full device. Added comments. Added extra voice lines. Created all audio files. Tested/Calibrated all sensors.

Edited 8 - 11/05/2022 = Implemented the full system voice outputs, added 2 new voice commands, added 4 new voice outputs, fixed and improved the heart rate. Fully implemented environment adverse health effects checks. Finished Final presentation and report.
