Because of the issues found in the last blog in regard to the I2C communication and connectivity issues on the breadboard, I have created a breakout board on a strip prototyping PCB.

Figure 1: Workstation.
The PCB can be seen here:

Figure 1: Main layout of the boards and sensors.

Figure 2: Fully developed board (all joints and connections)
The board in figure 2 has jumpers that have been added to cut power to certain modules, in order to do modular progessive development, as well as reducing the battery consumption from sensors not used. It also includes pins that can be used for checking the 3.3v and VIn(4.2v LiPo) lines.

Figure 3: Top view of the devloped board (in-progress)

Figure 4: Top view of the developed board (fully finished)
After the PCB was finished and tested with a multimeter for short-circuits and that every connection is very it should be (2 were not).
I decided to build a little base to mount the PCB on as well as the battery.
The 3D Model looks like this:

Figure 5: Base 3D Model
Then the plate was laser cut in the workshop out of transparent acrylic of 5mm thickness.
And finally the finished "product" looks like the following:
