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Writer: Ifrim CiprianIfrim Ciprian

Updated: May 16, 2022

[1] Team Counterpoint; Global Smartwatch Shipments Market Share (2018Q1-2020Q4), 2020

[2] Liang-Hong Wu, Liang-Chuan Wu; Exploring consumers’ intention to accept smartwatches, 2016

[3] Jaewon Choi, Seongheol Kim; Is the smartwatch an IT product or a fashion product? A study on factors affecting the intention to use smartwatches, 2016

[4] Kuo-Lun Hsiao, Chia-Chen Chen; What drives smartwatch purchase intention? Perspectives from hardware, software, design and value, 2018

[5] James D. Amor, Christopher J. James, Validation of a Commercial Android Smartwatch as an Activity Monitoring Platform, 2017

[6] Boon-Leng Lee, Wan Chung; Smartwatch-Based Wearable EEG System for Driver Drowsiness Detection, 2015

[7] Gary M. Weiss, Kenichi Yoneda, Thaier Hayajneh; Smartphone and Smartwatch-Based Biometrics Using Activities of Daily Living, 2019

[8] Sheng Shen, He Wang, Romit Roy Choudhury; I am a Smartwatch and I can Track my User’s Arm, 2016

[9] Anne Ngu, Yeahuay, Habil Zare; Fall Detection Using Smartwatch Sensor Data with Accessor Architecture, 2017

[10] Peide Zhu, Hao Zhu, Shumin Cao; Control with Gestures: A Hand Gesture Recognition System using Off=the-shelf Smartwatch, 2018

[11] Rui Pitarma; Smartwatch-Based Application for Enhanced Healthy Lifestyle in Indoor Environments, 2018

[12] Marco V Perez, Haley Hedlin; Large-Scale Assessment of a Smartwatch to Identify Atrial Fibrillation, 2019

[13] Pasquale Davide Schiavone; IC and Systems, Design and Test, 2014

[14] Michele Magno, Giovanni A. Salvatore; Autonomous smartwatch with flexible sensors for accurate and continuous mapping of skin temperature, 2016

[15] Victor Dibia, FOQUS: A Smartwatch Application for Individuals with ADHD and Mental Health Challenges, 2016

[16] Roger Legg, Shady Attia; Comfort Equation, 2018

[17] European Commission, Measuring air pollution with lowcost sensors, 2018

[18] World Health Organization; Electromagnetic fields and public health, 2006

[19] Brown University; Ultra-sensitive device for detecting magnetic fields, 2020

[20] MEMS, Magnetic Field Sensor Datasheet, 2020

[21] Soo-Chui Lim, Jungsoon Shin, Joonah Park; Expansion of Smartwatch Touch Interface from Touchscreen to Around Device Interface Using Infrared Line Image Sensors, 2015

[22] University of Massachusetts Boston; AI-Based Voice Assistant Systems: Evaluating from the interaction and trust

perspectives, 2017

[23] Atieh Poushneh; Humanizing voice assistant: The impact of voice assistant personality on consumers’ attitudes and behaviors, 2021

[24] Rebecca Adaimi, Ka Tai Ho, Edison Thomaz; Usability of a Hands-Free Voice Input Interface for Ecological Momentary Assessment, 2020

[25] Wen Qi, Liang Zhou; User-Centered Wearable Product Design for Community Elderly Care, 2019

[26] Andrey Esakia, Lindah Kotut; Smartwatch-Centered Design and Development in Mobile Computing Classes, 2020

[27] Matthias Mielke, Rainer Bruck; AUDIS Wear: A smartwatch based assistive device for ubiquitous awareness of environmental sounds, 2016

[28] Michael Braun, Anja Mainz, Florian Alt; At your Service: Designing Voice Assistant Personalities to Improve

Automotive User Interfaces, 2019

[29] E. V. Polyakov, M. S. Mazhanov, A. Y. Rolich;Investigation and development of the intelligent voice assistant for the internet of things using machine learning, 2018

[30] Marcos Barata, Afan Galih Salman, Bayu Kanigoro; Android based voice assistant for blind people, 2018

[31] Alan Ferrari, Vanni Galli, Daniele Puccinelli, Silvia Giordano; On the usage of smart devices to augment the user interaction with multimedia applications, 2017

[32] James D. Amor, Christopher J. James; Validation of a Commercial Android Smartwatch as an Activity Monitoring Platform, 2017

[33] Sakoen Mekrusavanich, Narit Hnoohom; Smartwatchbased sitting detection with human activity recognition for office workers syndrome, 2018

[34] Jee-Eun Kim, Masahiro Beesho, Ken Sakamura; Towards a smartwatch application to assist students with disabilities in an IOT-enabled campus, 2019

[35] Ebrahim Nemati, Daniyal Liaqat; A novel algorithm for activity state recognition using smartwatch data, 2017

[36] Orlando S. Hoilett, Rohit Srivastava; A Smartwatch for Monitoring Respiration and Heart Rate using Photoplethysmography, 2018

[37] Haibo he, Yang Bai, Edwardo A. Garcia; ADASYN: Adaptive synthetic sampling approach for imbalanced learning

[38] Serkan Balli, Ensar Arif Sagbas, Serdar Korokuglu; Design of smartwatch-assisted fall detection system via smartphone, 2018

[39] Manuel Eugenio, Wansu Lim, Donguk Kwon; Using body-measurement indices and wrist-type photoplethysmography signals to categorize consumer electronic users' health state through a smartwatch application, 2018

[40] Mathieu Simonnet, Bernard Gourvennec, Romain Billot; Connected Heart Rate Sensors to Monitor Sleep Quality: Electrodes, Chest Belt and Smartwatch Users Acceptability, 2016

[41] Rebecca C. Steorts, Duke University; Comparison of Linear Regression with K-Nearest Neighbours, 2018

[42] Ian Flindell; Human response to sound, 2015

[43] Jakob Brandt, Emil Lanzen; A Comparaive Review of SMOTE and ADASYN in Imbalanced Data Classification, 2019

[44] Romeo Mawonike, Godcares Mandonga ; The effect of temperature and relative humidity on rainfall in Gokwe region, Zimbabwe: A factorial Design Perspective, 2017

[45] Liqiang Pan, Jianzhong Li; K-Nearest Neighbor Based Missing Data Estimation Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks, 2010

[46] Colin Raymond, Tom Matthews, Radley M. Horton; The emergence of heat and humidity too sever for human tolerance, 2020

[47] Anjana Gosain, Saanchi Sardana; Handling class imbalance problem using oversampling techniques: A review



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